Hey everyone, this is a post about the new feature on our site here that I added called "Items". They can't be traded and nothing can be done with them (at least not yet), they are a type of badge that you can see / wear on your profile. Currently only I can apply these items manually as I'm technologically inept, same reason why some aren't available to trade. When making this site I am learning more and more though, in the future they may be used for something. Anyway, once an item gets added to your profile it cannot be removed, if you ever wanted one removed just contact me anywhere and I will remove it for you. These items are handed out for different kinds of events, achievements, milestones, helping to report bugs, and so on. I will make a small list here and keep it updated with new items that I will add. They aren't hard to make, I just draw them via pixel art style and upload it to our database with custom names so I will be making a lot more.
Item Rarity Color:
Staff Only
TimeLierG Companions Items:
2020 Christmas Cracker - Given to all members during December 2020. (Discontinued)
Santa Hat - Given to very festive members.
TimeLierG & Wolfie Marriage Ring - Self explanatory.
Companion Pumpkin - Given to active members during Halloween 2021. (Discontinued)
New Year Star 2021 - Given to active members during the transition from 2020 to 2021. (Discontinued)
Verified Furry Badge - Given to fursona bonded (spiritual / real) furry members.
Scalie Badge - Same but with scalie members.
Amulet of Posting - Given to members who made a really good post.
The Companion Heart - Given to members who get into the Valentine's Day spirit.
Companion Butterfly - Given to members who find and report bugs or glitches.
TimeLierG Companions Pass - Allows you to enter... somewhere?
Crescent Quest Helm - Given to contest winners for Crescent Quest contests and CQ beta testers.
TLGC Head Companion Crown - Given to TimeLierG Companions Head Companions. (Admins.)
TLGC Supporter Crown - Given to members who promote our site and spread word of it.
TLGC Mod Crown - Given to our site moderators. (Mods.)
Woshamona Hat - 20,000 TLGC Tickets.
Companion Katana - 10,000 TLGC Tickets.
Ice Crown - Given out rarely to active members during Winter 2021.
Companion Soul - These come in 13 different colors. Given to specific Head Companions.
Companion Wreath - Given to active members during Easter 2022. (Discontinued)
Beta Cracker - Given to all 41 registered members that have signed up before 6/8/2022. (Discontinued)
Unused Brew - Given out during the Companion Party (June 18th - June 24th 2022) event. This item has been altered and made unobtainable.
Silent Headphones - Given out during the Companion Party (June 18th - June 24th 2022) event.
Golden Omanancer Hat - Given out during the Companion Party (June 18th - June 24th 2022) event.
Rugged Purple Cloak - Given out during the Companion Party (June 18th - June 24th 2022) event.
Unused Brew - Given out during the Companion Party (June 18th - June 24th 2022) event. This item has been altered and made unobtainable.
Sam Horns - Given out during the Companion Party (June 18th - June 24th 2022) event.
Pan's Replica Frying Pan - Given out during the Companion Party (June 18th - June 24th 2022) event.
Amserith Helm - Obtained by showing a screenshot of your character in Crescent Quest. (8/14/2022 - 12/20/2022).
Amserith Claws - Obtained by showing a screenshot of your character at level 30. (8/14/2022 - 12/20/2022).
Ivory Whip - Obtained randomly through the Crescent Quest 1.0 - 1.3 release event. (8/14/2022 - 9/20/2022).
Pile of Cilganian - Obtained randomly through the Crescent Quest 1.0 - 1.3 release event. (8/14/2022 - 9/20/2022).
Lot of Cilganian - Obtained randomly through the Crescent Quest 1.0 - 1.3 release event. (8/14/2022 - 9/20/2022).
Hoard of Cilganian - Obtained randomly through the Crescent Quest 1.0 - 1.3 release event. (8/14/2022 - 9/20/2022).
Frozen Key - ???.
Spiritspeak Necklace - Given to members who are in the Halloween spirit.
Big Companion Pumpkin - Given to active members during Halloween 2022. (Will Be Discontinued)
Scary Carved Pumpkin - Obtained randomly through October 2022.
Cute Carved Pumpkin - Obtained randomly through October 2022.
Purple Spooky Candy - Obtained randomly through October 2022.
Yellow Spooky Candy - Obtained randomly through October 2022.
Pink Spooky Candy - Obtained randomly through October 2022.
Green Spooky Candy - Obtained randomly through October 2022.
Wolfie Cracker - Obtained from being signed in during the Wolfie Birthday Event November 2022.
Gilded Wolfie Cracker - Given to one lucky companion per day during the month of November 2022.
Wolfie's Ring - Obtained randomly through the month of November.
Wolfie's Glasses - Obtained randomly through the month of November.
Wolfie's Cap - Obtained randomly through the month of November.
Wolfie Cake - Obtained randomly through the month of November.
Yellow Paint - Obtained randomly through the month of November.
Birthday Candle - Given to companions on their profile anniversary.
Chocolate Bar - Obtained on anniversary events.
Mint Brick - Obtained on anniversary events.
Wolfie & TimeLierG 2nd Anniversary Ring - Self explanatory. 11/22/2022.
Supreme Potato - Obtained on Turkey Day and for one week after.
Roasted Turkey - Obtained on Turkey Day and for one week after.
Choc. Yule Log - Obtained randomly through the month of December.
Snowball Hot Choc. - Obtained randomly through the month of December.
Christmas Cracker 2022 - Obtained by being chosen by chance during the 2022 "A Companion Christmas" threads. One winner per thread.
Elf Hat - Obtained by being active during December 2022.
Nostalgic Gem - Obtained by signing into the TLGCMC server from 2018 - 1/15/2023.
Christian Cross Amulet - Obtained by being a holy companion.
Pan's Flower - Obtained during March 2023. Spring item.
Companion Clover - Obtained randomly on Companion's Luck Day.
Gold Companion Clover - Obtained randomly on Companion's Luck Day 2023.
Pan's Clover Hat - Obtained very rarely on Companion's Luck Day.
Rabbit Ears (Yellow) - Obtained from receiving the same Rabbit Ears in Crescent Quest 1.6.0 via the Easter event. Available only in April and May 2023.
Rabbit Ears (Purple) - Obtained from posting around April 1st - April 17th 2023.
Clumpanoink Hat - An illusive hat of our first mascot who isn't Pan the Companion.
Amserith Sword - Given to Crescent Quest Beta Players before August 2023.
Y2K Glasses - Obtained from the TimeLierG Companions Y2K Nostalgia Event. April 22nd - May 5th 2023.
TLGC Y2K Badge - Obtained from the TimeLierG Companions Y2K Nostalgia Event. April 22nd - May 5th 2023.
Red Spitehound Ears - Obtained from the TimeLierG Companions Halloween 2023 Event. October 1st - November 1st.
Ice Spitehound Ears - Obtained by sending a screenshot of your character in FurAltaris through October 2023.
Spirit Spitehound Ears - Obtained from the TimeLierG Companions Halloween 2023 Event. October 1st - November 1st.
Soul Spitehound Ears - Obtained from the TimeLierG Companions Halloween 2023 Event. October 1st - November 1st.
Crescent Pumpkin - Obtained by signing in during October 2023.
Ectoplasmoon - Obtained by sending a screenshot of your character in the Crescent Quest Halloween Event 2023.
Crescent Quest M.E - This is a placeholder.
Crescent Quest C. - This is a placeholder.
* It is currently not possible to obtain TLGC Tickets, the common items / badges are to be given away during events just as any other item / badge. If you would like an item removed from your profile, tell us.
* If you would like to have you and your partners own marriage ring, tell us, it is entirely free. I will personally make a unique sprite with two colors specified by you.
* The Verified Furry badge is given to real furries manually. Being a furry before 2016 will give you a higher chance of being given the badge, this is due to an intentionally caused wave of fake, non-spiritual furries brought into our communities by the media in recent times. We are being shown publicly on the news, in colleges, schools, it's all intentional to try an corrupt yet another group just like with what happened to others.
Item Rarity Color:
Staff Only
TimeLierG Companions Items:

Scalie Badge - Same but with scalie members.

* It is currently not possible to obtain TLGC Tickets, the common items / badges are to be given away during events just as any other item / badge. If you would like an item removed from your profile, tell us.
* If you would like to have you and your partners own marriage ring, tell us, it is entirely free. I will personally make a unique sprite with two colors specified by you.
* The Verified Furry badge is given to real furries manually. Being a furry before 2016 will give you a higher chance of being given the badge, this is due to an intentionally caused wave of fake, non-spiritual furries brought into our communities by the media in recent times. We are being shown publicly on the news, in colleges, schools, it's all intentional to try an corrupt yet another group just like with what happened to others.